

Hi, everyone! How's it going? 

My partner and I drove down to Noosa to attend his mate's wedding ceremony and reception on Sunday. I had never been to Aussie weddings before so I was  looking forward to it. I've known the bride and groom for some while. They are nice couple. They have been together  for more than 8 years and finally the groom made his decision to tie the knot! It must have been hard for the bride to wait such a long time and now I bet she is elated! I am very happy for them!


The wedding ceremony was held at a park near the beach in Noosa. It was really windy and a bit chilly. Thank goodness that I had brought my cardigan with me! It came in handy.Well, the ceremony was carried out casually and smoothly. Actually I was kind of preoccupied with taking pictures of the scene of the ceremony so it was pretty hard for me to concentrate on the ceremony, which is not good, is it? 

挙式はヌーサの海岸沿いにある公園で行なわれました。とっても風が強くて肌寒かったです。念のためにカーディガンを持って行っててよかった(^^)役に立ってくれました。 挙式はとってもカジュアルでスムーズに進行しました。ふふ、実は私ったら写真を撮ることばっかに夢中になってて肝心のセレモニーには集中できず・・、これじゃいけませんねぇ~(^^;)

The reception was held at a waterfront restaurant in Noosa. The reception was pretty casual too. We enjoyed eating, drinking ( I only drank apple juice though ^^;) and dancing!  My partner took my hand to the dance floor and we danced together! I had never danced before so it was kind of 
embarassing in the begining but I got used to it and got to like it! 


In Japan, we have yokyo time during wedding reception, don't we? After I've experienced the Aussie reception, I feel that we don't need yokyo time at all, I even feel that it's a kind of waste of time! Because you know during yokyo time, people sing karaoke or do some crazy stuff, right?  Sometimes it feels like it will last forever!  Anyway, it's not so fun just sitting on a chair and listening  to ( boring) songs! It's much better to have fun, dancing altogether!  Well, this is what I think. Maybe we need  yokyo time because bride & groom need that time since they want to chage their dresses. What do you think?


Well, the ceremony and reception went very well but there was one problem that kept bothering me, which was my poor feet! I was wearing high heels, which I hadn't worn  for a long time.  They started to give me a mild pain 30 minutes after I wore them, and an hour later they were killing me!!  I had trouble walking even to the car park! It's was just 5 minutes walk! Well, after all, I managed to survive,  so it turned out to be alright.


Anyway I had a really good day that day (other than that shoe problem), which is good!I wonder when I  will get married....


【words and phrases】

tie the knot:結婚する
come in handy:役に立つ
carry out:行なう
be preoccupied with~:~に夢中になる
