

Alcopops makers want $290m raised from tax spent on education

 ALCOPOPS (果汁や炭酸の入った低アルコール飲料)manufacturers have written to health groups asking for advice on how to spend the $290 million raised by the tax hike (値上げ) on ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages.

The tax seems likely to fail at a final vote in the Senate today after exasperated (very annoyed and upset crossbenchers (無所属議員) said last night they could not support the tax unless more of the proceeds go to alcohol education. 

The tax increase was announced in April last year. It must be formally approved before parliament
rises (閉会する) at the end of the week for the autumn recess or the funds already collected will have to be returned. 

The Distilled Spirits Industry Council has
called on (~を要求する)all money raised to be invested in alcohol education. 

"DSCIA strongly believes that a 70 per cent
excise(酒税) increase on pre-mixed drinks simply won't achieve what its supporters say it will," executive director Gordon Broderick said in a letter to health groups today. 

"We strongly believe that the funds should be directed to community-based programmes aimed at genuinely addressing the abuse of alcohol in

"As such, we would be interested in your detailed views or proposals
as to(~に関して) how those refunded(返済する) monies could be allocated(割り当てる)." 

The Senate could
vote down (否決する)the tax increase but validate (~を法的に有効にする)the collection of the money already received and place(~を投資する) it in a fund. 

There is a
precedent (前例)for such a move stemming fromcoming from a successful challenge to the tax treatment of beer after the introduction of the GST. 

Crossbench senators say they are still open to further negotiations on the
measure (法案=bill). 

But they told The Australian Online this morning they had been angered by the Government's attitude in the negotiations.

bad blood (悪感情) comes as the Government tries to reach a compromise with(~に歩み寄る)Family First Senator Steve Fielding and Independent Nick Xenophon on a far more significant piece of legislation(法律) - the workplace relations changes of the Fair Work Bill.    (322 words

From The Australian online  

Total articles :3

Total words :2065 words


alcopop ってalcohol (アルコール)とpop(炭酸飲料)を合わせた造語なんだそう。






IF your IQ isn't up to brain surgery or a Nobel Prize, blame your ageing dad.

Intellectual whizzes(やり手、達人), on the other hand, can thank their older mums.

The surprising conclusions come from an Australian and US team led by neuroscientist John McGrath of the University of Queensland's Brisbane-based Queensland Brain Institute.

In their study of 17,148 boys born in the US between 1959 and 1965, they found that children conceived (受胎する)by older fathers performed less well on a range of thinking tests given at eight months, four years and seven years than those born to younger dads.

They took into account (~を考慮に入れる)other possible factors such as education, mental health and income, with the same result.

"While we didn't find a clean threshold(分かれ目) above or below which there is a risk (of lower IQ), the risk increased steadily the older the dads were," Professor McGrath said yesterday.

Writing in the US journal Public Library of Science Medicine, his team said their results contrasted sharply with earlier studies showing that the older the mother at conception, the smarter the child.

According to Professor McGrath and his colleagues, the difference may lie in the male and female reproductive(生殖の) systems. A woman is born with a fixed number of eggs that have undergone 22 cell divisions in the womb. But sperm cells divide every 16 days after a boy reaches puberty(思春期). By age 20, the original sperm cells have divided roughly 150 times; by age 50, 840 times. The more cell divisions, the more mutations(突然変異); the more mutations, the greater the chance a child will be born with physical or neurological abnormalities.

Until recently, studies of the risks of later conception focused on women. It's well known, for instance, that as women age, the likelihood increases of their having a child with the developmental and intellectual disorder Down syndrome.

In a review of the team's paper, also in PLOS Medicine, psychiatrist Mary Cannon of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland wrote that evidence was accumulating that advanced paternal age was a risk factor for neuropsychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and autism, as well as physical problems such as cleft lip and palate, childhood cancers and congenital (生まれつきの)heart defects.

"The body of evidence implicating paternal age as a risk factor for a range of adversenot favorable offspring outcomes should not be ignored," she concluded.

To tease out ((情報)を得る)precisely why older dads sire(〈子〉を作る) youngsters with IQ scores up to three points lower than younger fathers, Professor McGrath's group has begun investigating a group of 7000 babies born in Brisbane in the 1980s.

They are also studying the phenomenon in mice to identify the mechanism or mechanisms involved.

"Age is something to factor in (~を含めて考慮する)when planning a family," Professor McGrath said.

(543 words)

From The Australian online  

Total articles :2

Total words :1743 words




それにしてもこのolder mumって



もうこのolder mumの範囲に入ってるのかしら(^^;)





新聞記事で英語学習!(The Australian)

Today's basketcase (無力な)parents should look to the good old days
I HOPE my regular readers will not be disappointed to know that although I have managed to have nine children, and am now the hands-on(直接関わっている) grandmother of three, I have never read a baby book. In fact, I used to wonder why my American friends with grumpy babies kept mentioning Spock(有名な育児書の名前). Perhaps they were propping themselves up (sitting up) late at night in front of old episodes of Star Trek? Personally, I went for the gripe water(小児用腹痛止め水薬); for the baby, that is.
So the huge fuss over a program shown on ABC1 called Bringing up Baby left me somewhat nonplussed(途方にくれる). I wondered why so many parents watched the show and were so personally affronted(offended). They should have obtained a decent DVD and a bottle of plonk (ブドウ酒)and got into a mood for the type of entertaining evening my colleague Bettina Arndt would approve of.
But no, they tortured themselves with this bad program. Unfortunately, we live in a world of so-called experts although I always thought that when it came to rearing one's children, parents were the experts. The reaction to this program indicated just how appallingly(恐ろしいほど) lacking in confidence most Australian parents are.
My research has uncovered 926 book titles available in Australia under the heading of parenting and child care, and that does not include the magazines and associated DVDs. The size of the market is astonishing when one compares it with the popular self-help categories of diet and weight loss. There are only 79 and 33 titles respectively in print in those categories. Are women who are used to control over their working lives incapable of listening to their instincts when they have a baby? Hence, instead of seeing it as a normal, natural part of life, it becomes a huge upheaval (big change). Instead of listening and learning from our own and other mothers, we formularise (定式化する)infant care and think we can learn it like we learned our maths times table. We can't.
So what help is there for the well-meaning (善意の)modern parent? And what about the methods displayed in the TV program?
I have to confess the only method I knew of was Truby King's, the one supposedly used by the horror nanny Verity.
However, sadly, both in the program and the reaction to it, King's methods are badly misrepresented (誤り伝える)and his enormous positive legacy totally ignored. So, for example in a popular parenting blog, I read this: "Apparently the Truby King method arises from King's vet days where he noticed regular feeding times and plenty of fresh air resulted in happy healthy calves. Yes, calves. Baby cows. Hmmm."
The author, Felicity Moore, using the de rigueur(流行の) "it is all so crazy" vein( kind, style) of parental humour, describes herself as a Brisbane mother of three who "divides her time between looking for her sanity and looking for her waistline. She hopes parenthood doesn't send her to an early grave." Very droll(amazing). But what a pity she apparently knows nothing about one of the greatest figures (important person)in the history of maternal and child health, credited(~と評価する) for almost single-handedly(独力で) cutting the infant mortality rate in New Zealand from 88 per thousand in 1907 to 32 per thousand during the next 30 years. He pioneered(~の先駆者となる) the postnatal home-nurse system, which we had almost abandoned and are only beginning to rediscover. And he was never a vet.
King set up the Royal New Zealand Plunket Society, whose methods were exported to Australia and Canada via the Karitane movement that runs postnatal hospitals and outreach centres (福祉活動センター)in Sydney and other large cities and forms the basis for all modern postnatal mothercraft(育児法) institutions. Contrary to the cliched (ありきたりな)bloggers, King's was not a 1950s method, the '50s being a shorthand like Stone Age. In fact he formulated his ideas at the turn of the 20th century, but some methods were still used in the '50s. Yes, he was adamant (断固とした)that babies needed routine regular feeds and sleep, and mothers needed rest. Also part of that routine was strict hygiene, and in the time before routine immunisation it was truly vital, as was daily exposure to sunlight. He had been a doctor in Glasgow and he had seen rickets(くる病). He was not against breastfeeding but, quite radically for the time, he insisted that the protein content of artificial feeds should mimic breast milk.
Mary Kirk, director of nursing and executive officer of the Queen Elizabeth II Family Centre in Canberra, is quite happy to give King his due (~を正当に評価する) but points out that modern methods of infant care have evolved and are much more responsive to babies' development. Nor has she anything against Benjamin Spock, the one who sold 50 million copies of his book, although he himself acknowledged that, judging by the more selfish members of generations X and Y, his child-centred methods didn't always work. But Kirk, a hands-on nurse with a long career in child and maternal health who sees 1600 families a year in Canberra, has no doubt about what is plaguing(~を困らせる) modern parenting. It goes beyond which technique of infant management is used. It is fear.
"Today's parents' instincts are paralysed(~を麻痺させる) by fear. They cannot read infants' cues (合図)and don't know whether to respond or not. So they become hyper-vigilant(用心深い), responding to everything, resulting in the modern phenomenon of 'helicopter' parenting. And because so many parents cannot identify the difference between wants and needs themselves, they fail to identify that in their infants and then older children," Kirk says.
"Parents really need to look at their own values and distinguish between wants and needs, to be secure in those and then set boundaries for the child. It is actually very stressful for children not to have developmentally appropriate boundaries."
The mothering instinct can be smothered and parents are simply not prepared for the change in their controlled life, particularly if they have spent years childless and focused on themselves, investing their identity in a career. But when we have children we really find out who we are, not what we do.
Of course so much of the problem with modern parenting is modern families. Aside from the increasing number of pathologies(病理学), such as alcoholism and drug taking, even relatively healthy families are fragmented(バラバラにする). People live all over the place, families are small and grandmothers are almost too old by the time they have grandchildren to advise, help and do all the other grandmotherly things.
Worse, in the future, as first-time mothering is pushed further and further back there is a distinct possibility that some children will grow up without any grandparents.
It might also help to realise that once we didn't have conveniently gender-neutral parents, we had mothers and fathers. How odd that we make a fuss about infant management techniques but are willing to subject our children to (~を(辛い目)に合わせる)bizarre social experiments such as same-sex parenting and serial step-parents or father figures that will be much more harmful than any infant management technique could be.
Men and women are complementary(相補的な). Fathers are lifelong learners but it is the mother who has the guiding instinct. So having children as early as possible with a loving father who is a willing learner makes for better mothering and better fathering.

From The Australian online (1,203 words)
Total articles: 1
Total words:1,203