


◆rejuvenate: 〔若さ・活力を〕取り戻させる、若返らせる、〔元気を〕回復させる

例文)After a workout, I feel rejuvenated!

◆moral support:精神的援助、支え 

例文) She desperately needed some moral support from her family and friends after she lost her child in a car accident.


◆grow on:〔~に対する不安・好意・関心などが〕だんだん大きくなってくる、募ってくる

例文)I didn't like natto at first but it has grown on me.


◆suck it up:愚痴を言わない

A: This exercise is too hard! I want to give up!
B: If you want to lose weight, just suck it up and keep doing it!


◆turn a blind eye to~:~に対してみて見ぬフリをする、無視する 

例文)I think in the end we'll have to pay the price for turning a blind eye to the problems of the world.
