

I have been flat out recently because I had to prepare for my de facto visa. As  I said before,  my partner and I lodged our application on the 9th. Well to tell you the truth, that was not what we were planning.  We wanted to apply for the visa in the last week of this month or later than that, since we thought all the documents that we needed to lodge with the immigration office would be ready around that time.  


On the 1st of this month, we called the immigration office to make inquiries about the visa and also to make an appointment of our lodging. To our surprise, they said that they would only be available for the meeting on the 9th of October and on the 20th of November. We were a bit baffled  for a moment but pulled ourselves together and chose the former date, just to be on the safe side.  You know, you don't know what's going to happen to those kind of official things so we thought it's better off  to settle on the date which had more time before my present visa would run out. (For your information, the expiration date is 30th of November.)


So that's how we booked our meeting on the 9th of this month, and guess what! It was only a week away! We had to push ourselves so hard and have everything done by the 8th! It was hectic and very stressing, but we pulled it off. I am very proud of ourselves.

そんなこんなで9日を申請日として選んだわけなのですが、それは1週間後! それからというものかなり頑張りましたよ!だって全てを8日までに終わらせないといけなかったですもん!も~大変でかなりストレスたまりました(><)・・がなんとかやり遂げることができました。ほんとよく頑張れたなって思います。

On the 8th, we drove down to Brisbane, where the immigration office was and stayed at my partner's friend's house that night. There were some dramas on the way to Brisbane but I will fill you in later.  

そして8日移民局のあるブリスベンまで下りパートナー の友達の家で一泊。実を言うとブリスベンに向かう途中でちょっとした出来事があったのですがこれはまた別の機会に(^^)

At the meeting, our case officers were very impressed with the evidence of our genuine relationship we provided, which made us happy and we felt that all our hard work had finally paid off. We didn't have my Japanese police check coming from Japan, so they couldn't give us the visa on the spot. But they said that if the police check is lodged, it won't take long before they give us the visa. We were so relieved to hear that. Now it's almost done, so it took a huge load off my shoulders.  


word & phrases

flat out:大忙しの(もっとくわしく→こちらから)
make inquiries about~:~について問い合わせをする
be baffled:当惑する、面食らう
pull oneself  together:気を取り戻す、しっかりする
just to be on the safe side:念のために
pull~ off:~をやり遂げる
pay off:報われる
on the spot:その場で
take a load off one's shoulder:
(責任・精神的負担などから解放して) (人)の肩の荷を下ろさせる、(人)の心[気持ち]を軽くさせる
